5 Ways Social Style Selling Model Helps You Close More Sales

Social Style Selling

Social Style Selling Strategy helps you close more sales.

Social style selling strategy focus on adjusting your selling approach to suit that of your customers. There are mainly 4 types of social methods and some mixes in between. Once you identify your customer's style, you can tailor your approach to fit into that style. By doing this, selling comes naturally, and you get less resistance.

Here are 5 ways how social style selling strategy helps you to close more sales.

1. Increase Customer's Interaction

customer interaction

Looking for relevant info with regards to customer's wants and need is an integral part of selling. This step is in fact, comes at the very beginning of a sales process. But to get the customer to open up is can be difficult at the time. One reason for this is a lack of rapport.

Adjusting your approach to suit the style of your customer is a very effective strategy to bring down a mental barrier. Once you get over the hurdle, getting your message across becomes smoother.

2. Assist in building


As mentioned in (1) above, rapport is built through a mutual meeting point. That can be many things and approaching a customer in a manner that suits his or her style is one sure way to do it.

Once rapport is built, we can move the sales process to the next level. The starting point is being able to adjust your approach to suit the customer's style.

The rest is built thereon...

3. Get to know yourself

know yourself

By getting to know yourself better, you can discover your strength and weakness. Once you know this, you can work on your strength and find ways to overcome your weakness. This, in turn, helps you when dealing with different customers' style. You would find working with one style enjoyable but despise working with another.

The trick is to know which is which...

4. Appreciate diversities and
find ways to adapt


Diversities are inevitable. You can choose to ignore them and push through, or you can want to appreciate the differences and work with them. Both choices carry their own consequences.

On the one hand, you'll meet lots of resistance by being rigid and inflexible.

On the other, you find yourself getting along well with customers, and they work smoothly with you.
The choice is yours, but I'll personally choose the latter if I were you. I prefer to have customers who can co-operate with me and work together for a common cause.

Related reading: Try these 5 ways adopted from SPIN Selling strategy.

5. Provide more choices for
selling strategies


Having more than one way to approach selling situations can only bring benefits. Imagine yourself stuck with Features, Advantages, and Benefits selling, and customers are getting further away from you. Your sales were severely hit, and you need to find a way out, as fast as possible.

And you need something that works too...

Enter The Social Style Selling Strategy that walks you through specific steps on how to approach prospects, connect with them with ways they're comfortable with, and reduce resistance when you deliver your key messages.

It was not long before you have buy-in...

And that's what it means to have more options to approach the selling situation.

A social style selling strategy is another framework you can work with within a given selling situation. You'll definitely meet with various customers' social style, and one effective approach is to adapt to their style and communicate with them the way they're comfortable with.

That's the whole idea of this strategy...

Do you see how social style selling can improve your sales?

Would you consider adopting this style to your sales arsenal?

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