Is Pharmaceutical Sales A Good Career Path?

First off, how do you define a good career path? How does a good career path look to you?

Once you're clear about What Good Looks Like (WGLL), then you can compare that to your chosen subject, in this case, a pharma sale career.
Is pharma sales a good career path?

I've answered this question here: Is pharma sales a good career, and therein, I've suggested a few criteria by which you can evaluate your choice, such as using the 'Weighted Ranking' method. Give that link a click and start your evaluation.

"Nothing to be feared, just to be understood."
- Someone

In summary, we can evaluate something or someone as 'good', 'bad', or 'average' but just be aware that, just because we label as such, it does not necessarily make it the absolute truth. It may be to us but might not be to others, and that also means, we don't have to influence people to take up our evaluation. Just state the fact then move on. Let them decide.

"To be or not to be, it's up to me."
- A Poet

"Good or no good but thinking maketh it so."
- Another Poet

It's all about perception; theirs' apparently, not yours.

Does that answer your question about the pharmaceutical sales career path? If it does, I appreciate it if you can share it with others, and if it does not, what did we miss?

Put it in the Comment Box below.

"Beauty (or goodness) is in the eyes of the beholder."
- Yet Another Poet

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