Pharmaceutical Selling Message: Examples Of Impactful Message


Let me share with you some examples of impactful selling messages that I've used throughout my pharmaceutical sales career.

They were, by no means, a guarantee to sales closing, but then nothing guarantee to close anyway.

The first one is not directly taken from a pharma company.

You know why after you read it...

The most impactful sales message that I've ever encountered and still find nothing that comes close to it is in the form of a wish, from a condom making company.

It says:

"To all our competitors' users: Happy Fathers' Day!"

happy father
Seriously, this is one of the simplest yet compelling sales message that I've seen throughout my entire career.

The best thing is, it can be made viral or spread extensively just by being what it is. Just like that. Others can share it through social media and coffee table talk.

The last one is very epidemic, especially when a group of mature guys meet up and find nothing useful to do ;-)


My next pick is taken from a product I promoted some years back...

"It's there when you need it, not when you don't."

That's what the sales message says.

Perhaps, it does not make much sense to you just by reading that one-liner.

How can you?

You might not be a pharma sales rep. Even if you were, you might not be a rep who promote a product in that market segment.

Which market segment you asked?

Well, it's in the "guy thing" market. Erectile dysfunction market to be exact. It refers to the "blue pill" which I used to promote a few years back.

The reason why it is worded as such, and it's convenient too, is because of the course of its action.

You see, competitors' products that were competing in the same market tried to create their niche around crucial unique feature they have. Effectiveness was not in there.


Simply because they still lack evidence and head-to-head comparison with the pioneer drug, the blue pill.

There was one competitor that tried to bank on real hard on its long duration of action.

It was duped "the weekend warrior" back then.

To combat that particular message, the people behind the blue pill's marketing sat down and finally came up with the sales message, as shared above.

And the implication from that was quite pleasing.

Consumers seem to get it, and the competitor's effect was minimized.

It's not as effective as the condom message though, in my opinion.

Plus, the reason why I put it after the Happy Father's Day message is because of its lack of "widespread" value.

If I share the message on social media, people miss it. If I talk about it over coffee with my close buddies, only those who frequently use that drug category will understand.

I can bet that, even if I share it with prescribers, not all of them will get the message. I know some would not even bother about it.

It appears to me that impactful sales message can be found in abundance in one product specialty or category.

Perhaps, it's inherent.

Perhaps because that's the area I frequently focus on.

I don't know.

Do you have impactful product message that worth sharing?

Share it here, and let's measure its impact.

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