What Are Good Sales Techniques?

Good sales techniques
I'm guessing that you arrive here because you're looking for sales techniques that are good that you can apply to increase your sales, whether your products or service sales, and you didn't end up here because you're looking for techniques to increase the sales of your goods, although you can find that too.

Whatever it is, I'm just glad that you're here and I'm confident that you'll find what you're looking for in or around this webpage. If you think you need to know more, just leave a few words in the comment box below and I'll attend to it as soon as I can.

Now, back to the subject at hand...

Good is a subjective matter. What good to one person might be just average to another, and selling is not excluded. You need to be clear on 'what good looks like' (WGLL) to you before you went out searching for the techniques.

Let me offer you a simple definition, if I may...

I define good as anything that gives you the results that you're aiming for. It's a good technique when you have control over when and how to apply it, and it's good to allow prospects or customers to respond to it. Good, in short, is defined by your counterpart (prospect or customer) and not by you (the salespeople).

But that's just my definition. Feel free to accept or reject it.

So, without further ado, let's discover what lies within the list of 10 good sales techniques article. 

I hope this helps...

1 comment:

  1. Did you manage to find sales techniques that are good in this article?
    What else you're looking for?
    Ask away...
